I2Cwrapper v0.5.0
Generic framework for Arduino I2C target devices
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 CAccelStepperI2CAn I2C wrapper class for the AccelStepper library
 CAdafruit_GFX_I2CAn I2C wrapper class for xxx
 CESP32sensorsI2CAn I2C wrapper class for ESP32 sensors (touch, temp, hall)
 CI2CwrapperA helper class for the AccelStepperI2C and related libraries
 CPinI2CAn I2C wrapper class for remote analog and digital pin control
 CRotaryEncoderI2CAn I2C wrapper class for quadrature rotary sensors which uses the RotaryEncoder library by Matthias Hertel
 CServoI2CAn I2C wrapper class for the Arduino Servo library
 CTM1638liteI2CAn I2C wrapper class for Danny Ayers' TM1638lite library (https://www.arduino.cc/reference/en/libraries/tm1638lite/)
 CUcglibI2CAn I2C wrapper class for Ucglib
 CxxxI2CAn I2C wrapper class for xxx