I2Cwrapper v0.5.0
Generic framework for Arduino I2C target devices
CAccelStepperI2C | An I2C wrapper class for the AccelStepper library |
CAdafruit_GFX_I2C | An I2C wrapper class for xxx |
CESP32sensorsI2C | An I2C wrapper class for ESP32 sensors (touch, temp, hall) |
CI2Cwrapper | A helper class for the AccelStepperI2C and related libraries |
CPinI2C | An I2C wrapper class for remote analog and digital pin control |
CRotaryEncoderI2C | An I2C wrapper class for quadrature rotary sensors which uses the RotaryEncoder library by Matthias Hertel |
CServoI2C | An I2C wrapper class for the Arduino Servo library |
CSimpleBuffer | |
CTM1638liteI2C | An I2C wrapper class for Danny Ayers' TM1638lite library (https://www.arduino.cc/reference/en/libraries/tm1638lite/) |
CUcglibI2C | An I2C wrapper class for Ucglib |
CxxxI2C | An I2C wrapper class for xxx |