RCWL_1X05 Arduino library v1.0.0
A library for ultrasonic distance sensors with combined transmitter/receiver with 16mm (RCWL-1605) and 10mm (RCWL-1005) diameter
A library for the cheap ultrasonic distance sensors with combined transmitter/receiver with 16mm (RCWL-1605) and 10mm (RCWL-1005) diameter. Provides three modes, blocking one shot mode, triggered mode, and continuous mode of operation (see RCWL_1X05::setMode()). Currently only I2C mode is supported, UART/serial mode may be added in the future. The other two modes, GPIO and one-wire should work just like the ubitiquous HC-SR04 sensors and can be used with libraries like AsyncSonar and others.
Go to the RCWL_1X05 class documentation.
Copyright (c) 2023 juh
Filter code adapted from AsyncSonar libarary by Luis Llamas.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.