I2Cwrapper v0.5.0
Generic framework for Arduino I2C target devices
firmware Directory Reference


file  _addressFixed_firmware.h
 Feature module. Defines a fixed address, other than the default 0x08, for the target.
file  _addressFromFlash_firmware.h
 Feature module. Read target's own I2C address from non volatile memory (EEPROM, flash memory) and store a new changed address upon the controller's command.
file  _addressFromPins_firmware.h
 Feature module. Makes the target retrieve its own address from the input state of one or more pins at startup, so that the end user can change it e.g. with solder bridges or DIP switches. To adapt for your specific needs, you'll have to change the values in the config section below, see documentation there.
file  _statusLED_firmware.h
 Feature module. Makes the LED_BUILTIN flash on incoming interrupts (receiveEvent and requestEvent). Meant mainly as a still-alive monitor. To make it flash on I2C state machine state changes, (un)comment the respective lines below in secitions (7), (8) and (9) If your board has no LED_BUILTIN, make sure to edit the proper pin number in the declaration stage below..
file  AccelStepperI2C_firmware.h
 Firmware module for the I2Cwrapper firmware.
file  Adafruit_GFX_I2C_firmware.h
file  Arduino_GFX_I2C_firmware.h
 Template for a user firmware module for the I2Cwrapper firmware.ino. "xxx" represents the name of your module, e.g. "PinI2C".
file  ESP32sensorsI2C_firmware.h
 Firmware module for the I2Cwrapper firmare.
file  firmware.ino
 Generic firmware framework for I2C targets with modular functionality, built around the I2Cwrapper library.
file  firmware_modules.h
 This file determines which modules will be included in the target firmware. Add other modules or (un)comment out the existing ones as needed.
file  PinI2C_firmware.h
 Firmware module for the I2Cwrapper firmare.
file  RotaryEncoderI2C_firmware.h
file  ServoI2C_firmware.h
 Firmware module for the I2Cwrapper firmare.
file  TM1638liteI2C_firmware.h
 TM1638liteI2C firmware module. See TM1638liteI2C.h for details.
file  UcglibI2C_firmware.h
 I2Cwrapper module for adressing TFT and other displays supported by Ucglib over I2C.